Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Progress in the Mousetrap Car in Tuesday, February 18, 2014

                      What went really well on Tuesday:

  • The wheels turn more efficiently when we added red tape to the wheels (Physics Concept: friction)
  • We increased the rate in which the car was moving from the day before (Physics Concept: velocity and acceleration)

                    What we struggled with on Tuesday:
  • The wheels in the car are not moving consistently in a straight path (Physics Concept: traction)

                  What do we have to do in order to improve the mousetrap car:
  •  We have to either apply more red tape in order to apply more traction within the wheels or find a particular way in creating more velocity.
                  What are we worried about: 
  • That our wheels will not stay consistently in one path, restricting the maximum amount of speed the mousetrap car can actually go!

    Hannah is applying red tape to improve the friction within the wheels.

    Happy Racing!
    -Hannah, Mamadou, and Izzy

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